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A Survival Guide to the Stress of Organizational Change by Price Pritchett, Ron Pound ISBN: 9780944002162 List Price: $11.95
100 Small Steps : The First 100 Pounds You Gotta Think Right by Trotter, Keith "Temple", Ro... ISBN: 9781630471828
Ezra Pound Speaking Radio Speeches of World War II by Pound, Ezra, Doob, Leonard W. ISBN: 9780313200571 List Price: $36.95
The Drunk Diet: How I Lost 40 Pounds . . . Wasted: A Memoir by Lüc Carl ISBN: 9781250021977 List Price: $15.99
Pound of Paper Confessions of a Book Addict by Baxter, John ISBN: 9780312317263 List Price: $14.95
Lose 200 Pounds This Weekend by Aslett, Don ISBN: 9780937750230 List Price: $12.99
8 Minutes in the Morning A Simple Way to Shed Up to 2 Pounds a Week - Guaranteed by Cruise, Jorge, Robbins, Ant... ISBN: 9780060505387 List Price: $14.99
Employee Handbook for Organizational Change by Pritchett, Price, Pound, Ron ISBN: 9780944002070 List Price: $5.95
The Nine Pound Hammer: Book 1 of The Clockwork Dark by Bemis, John Claude ISBN: 9780375955648 List Price: $19.99
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly New England Patriots: Heart-Pounding, Jaw-Dropping, and Gut-... by Glennon, Sean, Hannah, John ISBN: 9781600781186 List Price: $19.95
Personae The Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound by Pound, Ezra, Baechler, Lea,... ISBN: 9780811211383 List Price: $15.95
Low Carbon Diet: A 30 Day Program to Lose 5000 Pounds by Gershon, David ISBN: 9780963032720
Classic Noh Theatre of Japan by Pound, Ezra, Fenollosa, Ern... ISBN: 9780811201520 List Price: $14.95
Business As Unusual: The Handbook for Leading and Managing Organizational Change by Price Pritchett, Ron Pound ISBN: 9780944002018 List Price: $11.95
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