Showing 226 - 250 of 286 Results
Decerpta Ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libris . . by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781361732168 List Price: $27.95
Decerpta Ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libris; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781361729984 List Price: $26.95
Eight Book of the Metamorphoses. Expurgated Ed. , with Introd. and Notes by Charles Haines K... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781361997048 List Price: $23.95
Oeuvres d'Ovide; Tome 3 by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781373880321 List Price: $28.95
Metamorphoses : In Fifteen Books by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781373873651 List Price: $31.95
Fastorum Libri Sex; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245961615 List Price: $30.75
Nugae Canorae; Poems by Lloyd, Charles, Ovid, 43 B.... ISBN: 9781245929158 List Price: $32.75
Fourteenth Book of the Metamorphoses, with Introd. and Notes by Charles Haines Keene by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781379273585 List Price: $13.95
Fasti, Book I; by Riley, Henry T. 1816-1878, ... ISBN: 9781379007906 List Price: $10.95
Clef D'Amour by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9780353848924 List Price: $23.95
Clef D'Amour by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9780274786503 List Price: $13.95
Thirteenth Book of the Metamorphoses. with Introd. and Notes by Charles Haines Keene by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781378175804 List Price: $13.95
Selections from the Metamorphoses and Heroides of Publius Ovidius Naso by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781378641972 List Price: $19.95
The Three First Bookes of Ovid de Tristibus by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354363607 List Price: $21.95
The Thirteenth Book of the Metamorphoses by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354363652 List Price: $23.95
P. Ovidi Nasonis Elegiaca by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354390283 List Price: $21.95
Ovid, Fasti, Books III. and IV by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354434604 List Price: $23.95
Ovid: Tristia: Book III by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354436585 List Price: $22.95
Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, and Halieuticon by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A. D. ISBN: 9781346247267 List Price: $30.95
P Ovidii Nasonis Oper : E textu Burmanni by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245048569 List Price: $39.75
P Ovidi Nasonis Elegiac by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245047777 List Price: $17.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Heroides, Epist, V , Xiii : With introduction and Notes by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A. D ISBN: 9781245045858 List Price: $21.75
P Oviddii Nasonis Carmina Select : Selections from Ovid, Chosen to Meet the New Requirements... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245045414 List Price: $24.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Oper : E textu Burmanni by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245054751 List Price: $42.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245053358 List Price: $23.75
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