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From Cyril Belozersky Monastery acts and charters (Russian Edition) by Debolskij, N. N., N.N. Debo... ISBN: 9785519439978 List Price: $39.99
Russian Imperial Navy in 1914 (Russian Edition) by Nordman, N. N., Zhitkov, K.... ISBN: 9785519411004 List Price: $189.99
Tver antiquity meter. (Russian Edition) by Ovsyannikov, N. N., N.N. Ov... ISBN: 9785519433983 List Price: $39.99
On the Russian-Japanese sea war. Four readings in the military and naval department of the I... by Beklemishev, N. N., N.N. Be... ISBN: 9785519421492 List Price: $149.99
Orthodox theological encyclopedia, or Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary. Volume 7 (Russian... by Glubokovskij, N. N., N.N. G... ISBN: 9785519409346 List Price: $74.99
The old estates. Essays on Russian art and life (Russian Edition) by Vrangel, N. N., N.N. Vrangel ISBN: 9785519415002 List Price: $39.99
Detailed illustrated catalog of the exhibition of Russian portraiture for 150 years. (1700-1... by Benois, A., Vrangel, N. N.,... ISBN: 9785519448840 List Price: $39.99
the Genealogical description of the offspring of Gedimin (Russian Edition) by Golitsyn, N. N., N.N. Golitsyn ISBN: 9785519410618 List Price: $49.99
Emperor Nicholas I. Traits and anecdotes from his life (Russian Edition) by Shelonskij, N. N., N.N. She... ISBN: 9785519415200 List Price: $49.99
Our literary struggle with the West. Book 3 (Russian Edition) by Strahov, N. N., N.N. Strahov ISBN: 9785519418188 List Price: $74.99
The history of the ship. Public presentation of shipbuilding and navigation in all coastal p... by Bogolyubov, N. N., N.N. Bog... ISBN: 9785519434010 List Price: $74.99
Theatrical innovations (Russian Edition) by Evreinov, N. N., N.N. Evreinov ISBN: 9785519442824 List Price: $39.99
Diplomatic collection of business between the Russian and the Chinese state from 1619 to 179... by Bantysh-Kamenskij, N. N., N... ISBN: 9785519421270 List Price: $89.99
The collection of materials on the history of the ancestors of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Roman... by Selifontov, N. N., N.N. Sel... ISBN: 9785519448833 List Price: $74.99
Wild Division. novel in 2 parts (Russian Edition) by Breshko-Breshkovskii, N. N.... ISBN: 9785519449984 List Price: $39.99
Muslim war against the Chinese. Application. Issue 2. (Russian Edition) by Pantusov, N. N., N.N. Pantusov ISBN: 9785519434263 List Price: $49.99
Notes of Pushkin and other poets. (Russian Edition) by Strahov, N. N., N.N. Strahov ISBN: 9785519435093 List Price: $74.99
Provincial missal (Russian Edition) by Turkestanov, N. N., N.N. Tu... ISBN: 9785519438032 List Price: $49.99
Description of Russian and foreign costumes of peasants in Kazan province (Russian Edition) by Vecheslav, N. N., N.N. Vech... ISBN: 9785519423502 List Price: $149.99
Voennye usiliya Rossii v mirovoj vojne (Russian Edition) by Golovin, N. N., N.N. Golovin ISBN: 9785458352581 List Price: $17.95
Duma Russkogo grazhdanina (Russian Edition) by N.N. Nezvanov ISBN: 9785517966315 List Price: $59.95
Sotsial'naya ekologiya i futurologiya (nachala noosferogeneza): Ot E. Gekkelya do N.N. Moise... by Moisey Shraga, Lyudmila Kudrya ISBN: 9783659548956 List Price: $39.00
Metodika inzhenerno-geologicheskih issledovanij dlya gidrotehnicheskogo stroitelstva Plotiny... by M.P. Semenov, N.N. Bindeman... ISBN: 9785458598057 List Price: $39.95
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