Showing 101 - 125 of 220 Results
Berlin and Sans-Souci; Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends: An Historical Romance - Prim... by Luise Mühlbach, Chapman Col... ISBN: 9781294001256 List Price: $34.75
Report on Voyage of the U. S. S. Wilmington up the Amazon River : Preceded by a Short Accoun... by Todd, Chapman Coleman ISBN: 9781294359661 List Price: $15.75
Queen Hortense; A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era - Primary Source Edition by Chapman Coleman, L. 1814-18... ISBN: 9781289626587 List Price: $34.75
Berlin and Sans-Souci Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends by Luise Muhlbach, Chapman Col... ISBN: 9785518473850 List Price: $44.95
Goethe and Schiller by M�hlbach, Luise, Coleman, C... ISBN: 9785518473782 List Price: $49.95
Charlotte Ackerman by Otto Mu Ller, Chapman Coleman ISBN: 9785518652736 List Price: $44.95
Frederick the Great and His Family: An Historical Novel by Mhlbach, Luise, Mühlbach, L... ISBN: 9781144581419 List Price: $44.75
Interview with Lcdr Gregory Chapman by Coleman, Kent ISBN: 9781288536214 List Price: $14.75
Berlin and Sans-Souci, Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends: An Historical Romance - Prim... by Luise Mühlbach, Chapman Col... ISBN: 9781294525950 List Price: $34.75
The Life of John J. Crittenden, Vol. 2 of 2: With Selections From His Correspondence and Spe... by Coleman, Chapman, Mrs. Chap... ISBN: 9781331230427 List Price: $16.57
Berlin and Sans-Souci, Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends: An Historical Romance by Luise Mühlbach, Chapman Col... ISBN: 9781296705091 List Price: $28.95
Report On Voyage of the U.S.S. Wilmington Up the Amazon River: Preceded by a Short Account o... by Chapman Coleman Todd ISBN: 9781298950307 List Price: $19.95
The Life of John J. Crittenden, with Selections from His Correspondence and Speeches by Coleman, Chapman, Chapman C... ISBN: 9781354988152 List Price: $28.95
The Life of John J. Crittenden, with Selections from His Correspondence and Speeches by Coleman, Chapman, Chapman C... ISBN: 9781354988145 List Price: $28.95
The Life of John J. Crittenden, with Selections from His Correspondence and Speeches by Coleman, Chapman, Chapman C... ISBN: 9781354988138 List Price: $27.95
Queen Hortense. a Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era. an Historical Novel by Coleman, Chapman, Muhlbach,... ISBN: 9781355038276 List Price: $28.95
Berlin and Sans-Souci : Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends. an Historical Romance by Muhlbach, Luise, Coleman, C... ISBN: 9781357751357 List Price: $29.95
Report on Voyage of the U. S. S. Wilmington up the Amazon River, Preceded by a Short Account... by Todd, Chapman Coleman 1848-... ISBN: 9781340099107 List Price: $19.95
Queen Hortense; a Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era by Coleman, Chapman, Muhlbach,... ISBN: 9781340211851 List Price: $28.95
Berlin and Sans-Souci; or, Frederick the Great and His Friends : An Historical Romance by Muhlbach, Luise, Coleman, C... ISBN: 9781340940096 List Price: $28.95
Frederick the Great and His Family; an Historical Novel by Coleman, Chapman, Muhlbach,... ISBN: 9781345630848 List Price: $31.95
Frederick the Great and His Family; an Historical Novel by Coleman, Chapman, Muhlbach,... ISBN: 9781345746327 List Price: $30.95
Frederick the Great and His Family : An Historical Novel by Muhlbach, Luise, Coleman, C... ISBN: 9781345841664 List Price: $30.95
Fairy Tales by Coleman, Chapman, Segur, So... ISBN: 9781347544822 List Price: $25.95
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