Workers of the world: unite...and play! Unless you're heir to a fortune, chances are you get up every morning and trek to the office to drink bad coffee and watch the clock. Slaves of the nine-to-five grind will find relief from all the weird and morally demeaning things they do each day in this cool collection of puzzles. Some games test the particulars of every office job; others are about coping with the craziness; and still more deal with work-based film quotes and computer jargon. And, of course, there are plenty just for wasting time. So sharpen your pencil with the department's one electric pencil sharpener, line up your pens in an anally retentive manner, and enjoy getting paid for what you do best: goofing off!Callahan, Jessica is the author of 'You Say Laid Off Like Its a Bad Thing!', published 2008 under ISBN 9781402755682 and ISBN 1402755686.
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