The first application to the European Commission of Human Rights was received in 1955. In over forty years, the Commission has registered more than 40 000 applications. Its published decisions run to around 150 volumes - 46 in the "Collection of decisions (1960 to 1974) and nearly 100 in "Decisions and reports (1975 onwards). From this mass of case-law, the authors have distilled the essential elements to produce a one-volume guide to the jurisprudence of the Convention and its protocols. In an article-by-article approach focused on the Court's case-law, they present key, passages from the judgments relevant to each article, putting them in context with their own commentary. The arrangement by article, the extensive extracts from the case-law, the detailed table of contents, and the index give the reader different ways of approaching the book, making it a useful tool for both the newcomer to Convention law and the more experienced researcher. La premihre requjte transmise la Commission europienne des Droits de l'Homme date de 1955. En quelque quarante ans, la Commission en a enregistri plus de 40 000. La publication de ses dicisions reprisente environ 150 volumes: 46 Recueils des dicisions, couvrant les annies 1960 1974, et, par la suite, prhs de 100 volumes de Dicisions et rapports. Les auteurs du prisent ouvrage ont extrait l'essentiel de cette vaste jurisprudence et l'ont rassemb1i en un volume unique, prisentant, pour chaque article de la Convention, les passages clis d'arrjts de la Cour et de certaines dicisions de la Commission, assortis de leurs commentaires. La prisentation par article de la Convention, les amples extraits de la jurisprudence, la table desmatihres ditaillie et l'index donnent au lecteur diffirentes voies d'acchs cet ouvrage, oCouncil of Europe Staff is the author of 'Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire De LA Convention Europeenne Des Droits De L'Homme', published 1999 under ISBN 9789041112453 and ISBN 9041112456.
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