Each chapter begins with an introduction and ends with a conclusion and with "Issues and Connections," "Suggested Web Sites," and "Suggested Readings." 14. Centers of Civilization in the Americas. The Mayas and Aztecs. HISTORY DEBATE: What Happened to the Mayans? American Indian Civilization: A Continuing Heritage. UNDERSTANDING CULTURES: The Question of Legacies. The issue of Isolation. 15. The Mongol Interlude and the End of the Postclassical Period. Mongol Empires. WORLD PROFILES: Chabi Khan. China and the West as New World Powers. HISTORY DEBATE: Causes of Global Change by 1450. The End of Transition: Postclassical to Early Modern. 15. The Mongol Interlude and the End of the Postclassical Period. Mongol Empires. WORLD PROFILES: Chabi Khan. China and the West as New World Powers. HISTORY DEBATE: Causes of Global Change by 1450. The End of Transition: Postclassical to Early Modern. IV. A NEW WORLD ECONOMY, 1450-1750. 16. The West and the World: Discovery, Colonization, and Trade. HISTORY DEBATE: The West as World Leader. WORLD PROFILES: Amerigo Vespucci (1451-1512). Patterns of Exploration and Trade. Toward a World Economy. Africa. WORLD PROFILES: Olandah Equiano. Colonization in Latin America: The Birth of a New Civilization. Latin American Civilization. WORLD PROFILES: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (1651-1695). Western Civilization in North America. North and South America: Reasons for the Differences. The World Economy Revisited. 17. Western Civilization Changes Shape, 1450-1750. Patterns of Early Modern Western History. WORLD PROFILES: Maria Portinari. Political Institutions and Ideas. The Ferment in Western Culture. UNDERSTANDING CULTURES: A Revolution in Popular Culture. Transformations in Economic and Social Life. How Early Modern Trends in the West Interrelated. 18. The Rise of Eastern Europe. Patterns of Early Modern Russian History. WORLD PROFILES: Catherine the Great (1762-1796). HISTORY DEBATE: A Russian Civilization? Russian Political Institutions. Russian Culture. Economy and Society in Russia. The World''s First Effort as Westernization. 19. The Ottoman and Mughal Empires. The Expanding Force of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire in Decline. HISTORY DEBATE: Guns and their Impact. The Mughal Empire: Invasion, Consolidation, and Decline. UNDERSTANDING CULTURES: Reactions to Western Values. Western Intrusion into the Mughal Empire. The Rise and Decline of Asian Empires. 20. East Asia: Degrees of Isolation. China: The Resumption of the Dynasties. Cultural and Social Trends: Some New Problems. HISTORY DEBATE: Chinese and Western Economies. Japan and the Origins of Isolation. WORLD PROFILES: Toyotami Hideyoshi (1536-1548). Vitality and Tension in East Asia. Contacts and Identities. V. THE WORLD''S FIRST INDUSTRIAL PERIOD, 1750-1914. Introduction: The International Impact of Industrialization. TIMELINE: The World in the First Industrial Century. 21. The First Industrial Revolution: Western Society, 1780-1914. Patterns of Industrialization. Causes of Industrialization. HISTORY DEBATE: Consumerism and Industrialization. Effects of Industrialization. The Period of Revolution, 1789-1848. "The Social Question" The Postrevolutionary Era and Nationalism, 1848-1871. Western Political Institutions in the Industrial Revolution. WORLD PROFILES: Mary Wollstonecraft. Western Culture in the Industrial Century. Industrial Society. HISTORY DEBATE: Women in Industrial Society. Gain and Strain in Industrialization. 22. World Economy and Western Imperialism in Africa and South Asia. The Reasons for Imperialism: Motives and Means. HISTORY DEBATE: Causes of the Abolition of Slavery. Imperialism in India and Southeast Asia. Imperialism in Africa.