Women to Women Perspectives of Fifteen African-American Christian Women

Women to Women Perspectives of Fifteen African-American Christian Women
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  • ISBN-13: 9780310201458
  • ISBN: 0310201454
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Publisher: Zondervan


Carter, Norvella, Parker, Matthew


Chapter 1 Shirley Spencer June Women of Color in the Bible and Church History In the veins of Hebrew-Israelite-Judahite-Jewish people flowed African blood. In numerous instances the biblical experience is an African experience. (Copher 1993) This chapter seeks to examine the roles women of color have played in the Bible and church history. For the most part, the women discussed are (1) African women or women of color in Scripture, or (2) African-American women in church history, including African-American women as nurturers, in the preaching tradition, in missions, and in auxiliary ministries. To do this I give attention to scriptural roles, historical examples, and personal perspectives and encounters. This chapter represents the mere beginnings of my investigation into this massive subject. WOMEN OF COLOR IN SCRIPTURE EDEN The presence and role of women of color in Scripture are part of the overall picture of the African presence throughout the Bible. It has been proposed that the original Eden included mainland Africa to the Tigris/Euphrates valley (Copher 1993; Felder 1989; McKissic & Evans 1994) and that the location of the Garden of Eden was totally or partially situated in what has come to be known as Africa. Of the four rivers named in the biblical account of the Garden, two of these can be associated with regions in Africa (Genesis 2:13) where Hamitic people were significant early developers of both the Tigris and Euphrates civilizations. One of the rivers, Gihon, encircled the whole land of "Cush/Ethiopia." Based on the biblical record of human origins geographically (in Africa) and an understanding of genetics, Adam and Eve must have been people of color (Hilliard 1992; McKissic & Evans 1994; Williams 1994). This position is foundational, because people of color seem to be the only human beings who possess all the genetic potential for the range of colors, traits, and variations seen among peoples and individuals in the world today. PATRIARCHS Africa has served as a temporary home to most of the famous patriarchs in the Bible, several of whom spent a considerable portion of their lives there. Abraham and his wife Sarah journeyed into Africa during the famine in Canaan. While in Africa they acquired Hagar, an Egyptian woman. Hagar later gave birth, by Abraham, to Ishmael the progenitor of twelve nations. Moses was born and grew up in Egypt. He was adopted by the Pharaoh's daughter and trained in "all the wisdom of the Egyptians" (Acts 7:22). Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt and became an administrator and ruler in Egypt. He married an Egyptian wife, who gave birth to two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Thus, of the twelve tribes of Israel who later possessed the land of Canaan, two of them had partial African ancestry. Not only the patriots, but the Lord Jesus Christ spent some of His early life in Egypt; Mary and Joseph took refuge there. They sought to escape the threat of death against Jesus by King Herod who governed Judea at that time. HAMITIC PEOPLE From the beginning of the biblical period there were interactions with Hamitic peoples. The table of nations in Genesis 10 identifies African nations of Cush/Ethiopia, Mizraim/Egypt, Put (Phut)/Libya, and Punt/ Somaliland. The land God promised to Israel was at that time inhabited by Canaanites, descendants of Ham through his son Canaan. Many African-Americans have grown familiar with scriptural references or songs about the land of Canaan, but have not made the connection with Africa or its peoples. The Protestant canon includes African people and lands from Genesis to Revelation. These events and circumstances place Africa squarely in the center of biblical historical events. Also, several portions of the Scripture were written in Africa and Africans were acquainted with and used Scriptures prior to the writing of the New Testament. The widespread use of the Bible throughout AfricCarter, Norvella is the author of 'Women to Women Perspectives of Fifteen African-American Christian Women', published 1996 under ISBN 9780310201458 and ISBN 0310201454.

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