Women in the Workplace Effects on Families

Women in the Workplace Effects on Families
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  • ISBN-13: 9780893911669
  • ISBN: 0893911666
  • Publisher: Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated


Borman, Kathryn M., Quarm, Daisy, Gideonse, Sarah


This volume constitutes a unique contribution to the cross-disciplinary field of family studies. It focuses on issues brought about by the movement of large numbers of women with children into the workplace; the impact of their employment on men's and women's traditional responsibilities and family roles; and the implications of these changing roles for public policy, employers, and social service agencies. The volume includes both historical and contemporary policy frameworks as important themes. Moreover, the issues and circumstances of more than one type of family are considered, including single worker and dual earner families.Borman, Kathryn M. is the author of 'Women in the Workplace Effects on Families' with ISBN 9780893911669 and ISBN 0893911666.

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