1920. Autobiography by the Founder of the Farm Journal. From the Foreword: In the midst of life we are in death. While our dearly-beloved husband and father was engaged in writing this autobiography, he was suddenly stricken with influenza, succumbing twelve days later to that much-dreaded disease-pneumonia. Never had he appeared happier than during the six months previous, while engaged in writing this history of his life. In a recent letter to a friend he wrote: I have had great fun in writing the book and the easiest part now is to come-a review of what I have written and some notes at the bottom, three or four topics only. It was his desire to have the book in the hands of the printer by his eightieth birthday, or June thirteenth, and the book is so dated. As a fact, he laid down his pen for the last time on April twenty-eighth, passing into the Larger Life on May tenth. We have chosen to let the date stand as he had written it, not wishing to change anything whatsoever, excepting in a few instances where it was found to be absolutely necessary.Atkinson, Wilmer is the author of 'Wilmer Atkinson an Autobiography' with ISBN 9781417902613 and ISBN 1417902612.
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