With three years left in his indenture to hot-tempered printerJohn Mein, all sixteen-year-old Will Northaway wants is to fulfillhis obligations and become a free man. But Boston in 1767 isdivided over the issue of colonial rights versus loyalty to Britishrule, and Will finds himself caught in the middle of the bitterpolitical struggle. Bound to a Loyalist printer, but drawn to thecause of Sam Adams and the patriots, Will feels like anoutsider. As months pass and British soldiers move into Boston, thearguments between Will's master and their patriot neighbors growmore and more heated. After learning some hard lessons aboutloyalty and true friendship, it becomes clear to Will that he willhave to decide where he stands in this great struggle-and where hestands before God.Olasky, Susan is the author of 'Will Northaway & The Price Of Loyalty ' with ISBN 9781581344776 and ISBN 1581344775.
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