An Introduction to Authentic Confidence Why Not You? Before I began writing books and speaking, I often studied authors and speakers who were doing what I wanted to do with my life. Their lives seemed somehow magical, as if they knew some special secrets that I didn't. Of course, that wasn't true. I had within me everything I needed to begin living the purpose for which I was created. But what these other authors and speakers had that I didn't was confidence. Perseverance. That belief in yourself and your potential for success so much so that you refuse to give up when success doesn't happen in your own timing. I began asking myself,Valorie, why not you? Why don't you fulfill your vision of inspiring others through your writing?Can you relate to that kind of internal questioning? Perhaps it's a similar area of life for youa professional or business aspirationor that conversation in your head may be about your weight, your dream of home ownership, your finances, or a successful relationship. Perhaps doubt or uncertainty results in your remaining quiet when you really want to speak up. I had my moment of insight about the importance of boldly and confidently stepping into God-given opportunities, and it came within just a couple of yearsback in 2001after I began asking,Why not me?Around five o'clock one Wednesday afternoon in October 2001, my phone rang as I was preparing to leave for a six-o'clock book signing at Black Images Books in Dallas. I lived in Dallas then; it was an exciting time. I was in the midst of a tour for my first book.Rich Minds, Rich Rewardshad been self-published nearly two years earlier, but a major publisher had picked it up, and now their edition was on the shelves. I'd already been to Chicago, Detroit, and Los Angeles for interviews and book signings; now I was stopping back in Dallas for two days before heading out to Atlanta early the next morning. When I answered my home-office line on the second ring, I recognized the voice on the other end immediately. "Hi, Valorie," said Rosilyn. We'd met six weeks earlier at the Texas Trailblazer Award luncheon, which I was chairing. Rosilyn was one of two representatives sent when Sister Serita Jakes, my pastor's wifewhom I'd invited to give the invocationcouldn't make the lunch because of her travels. I'd enjoyed Rosilyn, and we'd emailed back and forth a couple of times, promising to get together for lunch sometime. We hadn't managed to put a date on our calendars yet, so I thought this may be why she was calling. It wasn't. "Listen," she said. "Bishop Jakes is launching a new daily television show." "Oh, yes, I've heard about that," I replied. "That's really exciting." Trying to contain my own excitement, I wondered,Is she going to ask if I wantto be a guest on the show!?My first book had just been released, and I was overjoyed at the idea of being on Bishop Jakes's television show. I'd been up late one night when, during a broadcast, I heard Paul Crouch, founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network, offer a yearlong timeslot to Bishop Jakes if he would provide a daily show for the viewers. Mind you, Rosilyn was still in midsentence, and already my mind had launched ahead to figuring out the reason for her call. Of course, if I would just be patient and listen, I'd find out soon enough. "We haven't yet found a co-host for the program," she continued.Maybe she wants me to recommend somebody?I thought before she had a chance to finish. "IBurton, Valorie is the author of 'Why Not You? 28 Days to Authentic Confidence', published 2007 under ISBN 9781400073368 and ISBN 1400073367.
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