Spice up your site and increase traffic! Ho-hum Web sites don't stop a lot of visitors. With the step-by-step solutions in this book, however, you can make yours create a traffic jam. Add dynamic content to your home page. Make page elements-tables, borders, scrollbars-fit your overall theme. Display several different images in unique ways. Create multi-level or CSS-based menus. Boost value with maps, site searches, and RSS feeds. Choose a few makeovers or all of them, and watch your site come to life!Makeovers that make your site stand out Homepage makeovers-what belongs where, what doesn't, and how to grab attention Layout makeovers-how to size pages, arrange content, and center pages in the browser Text makeovers-fonts, sizes, headings, and how presentation is everything Performance makeovers-tricks for making images download in a flash Form makeovers-ways to spruce up the most boring part of your site Site makeovers-learn to link without losing your visitors and how to maximize search engine rankings Companion Web SiteHTML and image files for many of the makeovers in this book can be downloaded at www.wiley.com/go/makeoversWagner, Richard is the author of 'Web Design Before & After Makeovers', published 2006 under ISBN 9780471783237 and ISBN 0471783234.
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