"Wilt writes... well and offers many sound perceptions." -- Choice ..". a stimulating book... a timely warning against overindulgence in hindsight in evaluating the great issues of the war... " -- Parameters ..". a significant new study... a clearly written, excellent book... " -- Airpower Journal ..". an impressive work of scholarship... " -- British Politics Group Newsletter "Wilt's comparative approach permits us fresh perspectives on both sides of the war. Moreover, Wilt has chosen to compare two of the major rival belligerents at the most stimulating and interesting level at which such comparison might be made, the level of the summit of decision making -- with the magnetic figures of Hitler and Churchill playing major roles in his narrative and analysis." -- Russell F. Weigley "This is a masterful treatment of a complex subject and a must read book for anyone writing about the Second World War." -- The HistorianWilt, Alan F. is the author of 'War from the Top German and British Military Decision Making During World War II', published 1990 under ISBN 9780253364555 and ISBN 0253364558.
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