The history of the state of Virginia is like ahistory of the United States. Virginia's history is richly dispersed with namesof outstanding men and women who, as Virginians and as Americans, madesignificant contributions to our society that continue to lead, inspire, andentertain us today . From the first permanent English settlement at Jamestownto the inauguration of the first black governor, the history of Virginia isfull of men and women from various ethnic backgrounds who have left their marksin history. Their tremendous accomplishments emphasize the great diversity ofthe people who have made Virginia the unique state that it is today.Virginians All is a comprehensive volume for young readerscontaining the stories of 29 famous Virginians, including Thomas Jefferson,author of the Declaration of Independence; Robert E. Lee, commander of theConfederate Army in the Civil War; Ella Fitzgerald, world-famous jazz singer;James Madison, father of the Constitution; Willa Cather, pioneer author; SirWalter Raleigh, explorer and governor of Virginia; Secretariat, the greatracehorse and Triple Crown winner; Patrick Henry, champion of American civilrights who demanded,