Your movie guide has a first name, it's V-I-D-E-O. Your movie guide has a second name, it's H-O-U-N-D. You'll love to read it every day. And if you ask us why, we'll say... Cuz VideoHound doesn't give you any B-O-L-O-G-N-A. Hi. This is VideoHound. Champion of movie justice. Soothsayer of the silver screen. Your Movie Magic 8-Ball every time you ask yourself, "What do I watch now?" - minus the messy blue juice. And with no opposable thumbs to point skyward, the Hound rates Hollywood's worst and finest offerings from Woof! to Four Bones. Plus, the Hound has something the others don't ... great indexes (Writers, Director, Cast, etc), categories (new ones include Blackout, Family Reunions, Taxing Situations and more) and an attitude that makes this guide a lot more fun and easier to use. You're gonna want to use it again and again to uncover that hard-to-find film or movie trivia answer you've been searching for. See, we believe a little back-story is important before such an important undertaking as this annual blockbuster. A little "get-to-know-us" kind of thing. Hollywood must have been paying attention too. This past year the megaplexes were packed with "biopics" of some of history's and entertainment's biggest names. Films like Ray, Kinsey, Alexander, Beyond the Sea and The Aviator all brought their bigger-than-life true stories to the big screen. And they're all in this year's Hound! Along with other incredible movies such as The Incredibles, super-sized hits, like Super Size Me and even the just plain dreadful like, yep, you guessed it, Club Dread. Right now, in your hands are nearly 27,000 movie reviews. (And Ben Stiller isn't in more than half of them) No matter if you like your movies with big battles (Troy), big awards (Million Dollar Baby) or big issues (Fahrenheit 9/11), you'll find the flicks that fit your style. VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever is your best friend when it comes to digging up the National Treasure that makes movie-watching fun. This Hound is also not above chasing away the Catwoman and burying the really stinky Number 2s (Scooby Doo, Baby Geniuses) thus making your video store safe once again. All hail the Hound!Craddock, Jim is the author of 'Videohound's Golden Movie Retriever 2006', published 2005 under ISBN 9780787689797 and ISBN 0787689793.
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