The emergence of VHDL as a standard for hardware description languages helped disseminate the use of such languages among IC designers. The creation of the standard however does not mean that all work has ceased. Research continues in the use of the language and on improvements of the standard. This book presents the latest research on four key issues related to the use of VHDL. The first part covers simulation of circuits using VHDL, in which timing and switching are central themes. Part II looks at the combination of synthesis and VHDL in designing circuits. This includes a case study of chip design using silicon 1076. Advances in the formal verification of VHDL designs are given in Part III. This relatively new area in the use of VHDL is developing rapidly into an important issue for speeding the design of circuits. The final part considers modelling issues and system level design. The contributors are based on specially selected papers from the EURO-VHDL conferences in 1990 and 1991. These papers have been updated and expanded to give the reader the very latest state-of-the-art in the use of VHDL for circuit design.Mermet, Jean P. is the author of 'Vhdl for Simulation, Synthesis, and Formal Proofs of Hardware', published 1992 under ISBN 9780792392538 and ISBN 0792392531.
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