This tale revolves around a mother and daughter's pursuit of redemption and forgiveness in the early 20th century. Set in southern Utah, a scenic land filled with contrasts that sculpt the souls of all who live there. on January 4, 1896, the day Utah became a state, Louise gave birth to her illegitimate daughter. In honor of the day, the baby was named Utahna- a name the girl now detests. Trying to protect her daughter from the raw truth, Louise only succeeds in driving Utahna away- to the very path she herself once walked but has always denied. Crime, tragedy and harrowing revelations reach life-threatening proportions as mother and daughter struggle to find mutual devotion in a sea of deception. As the wind, sun and rain buffet the Vermillion Cliffs, spectacular monuments of strength and stunning beauty emerge. Likewise, the erosion of sin, pretense and pain sculpt Louise and Utahna into paragons of compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness.Linton, John is the author of 'Vermillion Cliffs A Story That Emerges from Frontier Utah' with ISBN 9781555177027 and ISBN 1555177026.
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