Verdic Grammar for Students

Verdic Grammar for Students
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  • ISBN-13: 9788124601273
  • ISBN: 8124601275
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: D. K. Print World (P) Limited


MacDonell, Arthur A.


Here is a key to unlock the oldest treasury of mankind's wisdom: Vedic literature-not just the metrical language of its hymns, but also the prose pieces of the Brahmanas/Brahmana-like writings: whether from the Atharva or the Yujurveda. Setting forth a comprehensive phonetic survey of Vedic sounds, the author: an eminent Orientalist of yester years, offers lucid explanatory accounts of Vedic sandhi-system (euphonic combination), declension, conjugation, indeclinable words, nominal stem formation and, finally, of its syntax - with numerous illustrations. At the base of Macdonell's Grammar is the first ever, yet the most authentic, linguistic material of the Rgveda - supplemented, though, it is from other Samhitas as well. Also marked here are the grammatical forms of the Brahmanas where they differ from those of the later-day classical Sanskrit. Now 'reprinted' afresh in an innovative format, this book has sustained its decades-long worldwide importance as an undisputed, systematically organised aid to the study of Vedic literature. And, for sure, retains its indispensability to scholars even today!MacDonell, Arthur A. is the author of 'Verdic Grammar for Students', published 2005 under ISBN 9788124601273 and ISBN 8124601275.

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