Chapter One: Foundations of International Relations Introduction to the Foundations of International Relations The Basics The Science of International Relations How Do We Think About World Politics? - Bruce Russett & Harvey Starr Actors International Relations: One World, Many Theories - Stephen M. Walt International Actors: States and Other Players on the World Stage - Bruce Russett & Harvey Starr Power Political Power - Hans J. Morgenthau The Four Functions of Force - Robert J. Art Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma - Robert Jervis The Realist-Liberal Tension Realist Tradition From The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli Of the Natural Condition of Mankind - Thomas Hobbes Six Principles of Political Realism - Hans J. Morgenthau Liberal Tradition To Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch (1795) - Immanuel Kant The Fourteen Points - Woodrow Wilson Liberalism and World Politics - Michael W. Doyle Liberal-Realist Case Study Introduction to The History of the Peloponnesian War - Thucydides The Melian Dialogue - Thucydides Chapter Two: Security Lens Introduction to Security Lens Realist Tradition Theory Balance of Power Theory Introduction to Balance of Power Theory Elements of National Power - Hans J. Morgenthau The Balance of Power - Hans J. Morgenthau Balance of Threat Theory Introduction to Balance of Threat Theory Explaining Alliance Formation - Stephen M. Walt Alliance Formation and the Balance of World Power - Stephen M. Walt Structural Realism Introduction to Structural Realism Political Structures - Kenneth N. Waltz Structural Causes and Military Effects - Kenneth N. Waltz Structural Realism After the Cold War - Kenneth N. Waltz Liberal Tradition Theories Collective Security Introduction to Collective Security Collective Security as an Approach to Peace - Inis L. Claude, Jr. Collective Security versus Balance of Power - Inis L. Claude, Jr. Democratic Peace Theory Introduction to Democratic Peace Theory Why Democratic Peace? - Bruce Russett Chapter Three: International Political Economy Lens Introduction to International Political Economy Lens IPE Perspectives Three Ideologies of Political Economy - Robert Gilpin Realist Tradition/Economic Nationalist Theories Mercantilist Theory Introduction to Mercantilist Theory Report on Manufactures - Alexander Hamilton The Nationalist Theory of International Trade - Robert Gilpin Hegemonic Stability Theory Introduction to Hegomonic Stability Theory The Theory of Hegemonic Stability - Robert Gilpin Liberal Tradition/ Liberal Perspective Theories Regime Theory Introduction to Regime Theory Cooperation and International Regimes - Robert O. Keohane Complex Interdependence Theory Introduction to Complex Interdependence Theory Complex Interdependence - Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye Neo-Liberal Development Theory Introduction to Neo-Liberal Development Theory New Directions in Development Thinking - The World Bank Marxist Perpective Theories Overview Foundations of Radicalism - Thomas F. Lynch III Dependency Theory Introduction to Dependency Theory The Structure of Dependence - Theotonio Dos Santos Chapter Four: Sub-Systemic Lens Introduction to Sub-systemic Lens Omnibalancing Introduction to Omnibalancing Explaining Third World Alignment - Steven R. David Regime Model Introduction to Regime Model Political Regimes: A General Framework - Roy C. Macridis and Steven L Burg Nationalism Introduction to Nationalism General A Harvest of Hostility: Ethnic Conflict and Self-DeterminationAfter the Cold War - Donald L. Horowitz The Ethnic Sources of Nationalism - Anthony D. Smith Nationalism & War The Causes of Internal Conflict: An Overview - Michael E. Brown Decision-Making Models Introduction to Decision-Making Models Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis - Graham T. Allison Adapting to Constraints on Rational Decisionmaking - Alexander L. George Chapter Five: Shattering Lenses Introduction to Shattering Lenses Constructivism Constructing International Politics - Alexander Wendt Feminist Theory Toward a Nongendered Perspective on Global Security - J. Ann Tickner Post-Modernism Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory - Robert W. Cox Chapter Six: Putting It All Together Introduction National Security in a World of Tiers - Donald M Snow The Complexities and Contradictions of Globalization - James N. Rosenau Glossary Index MapsKaufman, Daniel BG is the author of 'Understanding International Relations : The Value of Alternative Lenses' with ISBN 9780072386080 and ISBN 0072386088.
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