Partial table of contents: Jumping Right In. History of Ada. Language Overview. Software Development Using Ada. ADA AS PASCAL. About Pascal. Data, Expressions, and Programs. Type Definitions and Strong Typing. Control Structures. Subprograms. Arrays. Records. Pointers. ADA AS ADA. About Ada. Data, Expressions, and Programs. Type Definitions and Strong Typing. Control Structures. Subprograms. Arrays. Records. Pointers. ADVANCED FEATURES. Packages. Separate Compilation. Generics. Exceptions. Tasks. ALL ABOUT ADA. The Ada Programming Support Environment. The Ada Compiler Validation Capability. Twelve Items to Remember. Appendices. Solutions to Odd-Numbered Exercises. Index.Shumate, Kenneth C. is the author of 'Understanding Concurrency in ADA - Kenneth C. Shumate - Paperback - 2nd ed' with ISBN 9780471605201 and ISBN 0471605204.
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