The Ultimate Strategy Library featuring: IGOR ANSOFF, Corporate Strategy, 1965 SHONA BROWN & KATHLEEN EISENHARDT, Competing on the Edge, 1998 STAN DAVIS AND CHRISTOPHER MEYER, Blur, 1998 LARRY DOWNES & CHUNKA MUI, Unleashing the Killer App, 1998 PETER DRUCKER, The Age of Discontinuity, 1969 SUMANTRA GHOSHAL & CHRISTOPHER A BARTLETT, The Individualised Corporation, 2000 MICHAEL GOOLD, ANDREW CAMPBELL & MARCUS ALEXANDER, Corporate-Level Strategy, 1994 ANDREW GROVE, Only the Paranoid Survive, 1996 GARY HAMEL & C K PRAHALAD, Competing for the Future, 1994 ROBERT S KAPLAN & DAVID P NORTON, The Balanced Scorecard, 1996 NICOLO MACHIAVELLI, The Prince, 1513 REGIS MCKENNA, Real Time, 1997 MARY MODAHL, Now or Never, 2000 GEOFFREY MOORE, Crossing the Chasm, 1991 RICHARD PASCALE, Managing on the Edge, 1990 TOM PETERS AND ROBERT WATERMAN, In Search of Excellence, 1982 MICHAEL PORTER, Competitive Strategy, 1980 JONAS RIDDERSTR?LE & KJELL NORDSTR?M, Funky Business, 2000 PETER SENGE, The Fifth Discipline, 1990 CARL SHAPIRO & HAL R VARION, Information Rules, 1998 THOMAS STEWART, Intellectual Capital, 1997 ALVIN TOFFLER, The Third Wave, 1980 SUN TZU, The Art of War, 500BC WATTS WACKER & JIM TAYLOR, The 500 Year Delta, 1997 WALT WRISTON, Twilight of Sovereignty, 1992 SHOSHANA ZUBOFF, In the Age of the Smart Machine, 1988Middleton, John is the author of 'Ultimate Strategy Library', published 2003 under ISBN 9781841121802 and ISBN 1841121800.
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