Teach people how to create lasting, steady and dependable flow to their website while positioning themselves in the marketplace as an expert. It's not a get rich quick scheme, but a very effective way for people with low or no budget to create content that can get you traffic ? ezines, RSS feeds, blog, ezine announcement sites, newsletter, website. Point is that most people can't write very well and have phobia about writing. Don't know right way to write to get people to take action without a big sales pitch. Can actually sell people better because you're flying under the radar. People are more apt to click on the resource box in an article to get more info. Jim's dad has written for years, so they both have excellent credentials to teach people how to write.Edwards, Jim is the author of 'Turn Your Words into Traffic Finally! the Secret to Non-stop Free Targeted Traffic', published 2007 under ISBN 9781600371516 and ISBN 1600371515.
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