Oh Tom, is it really safe? A young lady - an exceedingly pretty young lady, she could be called - stood with one small, gloved hand on the outstretched wing of an aeroplane, and looked up at a young man, attired in a leather, fur-lined suit, who sat in the cockpit of the machine just above her. "Safe, Mary?" repeated the pilot, as he reached in under the hood of the craft to make sure about one of the controls. "Why, you ought to know by this time that I wouldn't go up if it wasn't safe!" "Oh, yes, I know, Tom. It may be all right for you, but I've never been up in this kind of airship before, and I want to know if it's safe for me."Appleton, Victor is the author of 'Tom Swift and His Air Scout' with ISBN 9781421810911 and ISBN 1421810913.
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