You attend church on Sunday while your husband golfs.You want to join a weekly small faith-sharing group, butyour wife wants you to spend time with her. You want totalk about a great spiritual book you've read, but youcannot engage your spouse in discussion. During afamily crisis, you want to pray with your spouse, butyour spouse doesn't know how to pray. What's a spouseto do?Donna Erickson Couch, herself a veteran of suchsituations, offers spiritual guidance to help us keep ourquest for a deeper understanding and richer experienceof God from threatening the peace in our marriages andhomes. With practical suggestions on how tocompromise on expressions of faith, resolve scheduleconflicts and talk about the issues that separate you andyour spouse, Together But Alone is a valuable resourcefor married men and women on their journey of faith.Couch, Donna / Erickson is the author of 'Together But Alone', published 2008 under ISBN 9780867168525 and ISBN 0867168528.
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