Titus Andronicus

Titus Andronicus
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  • ISBN-13: 9780671722920
  • ISBN: 0671722921
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster


Shakespeare, William


TITUS ANDRONICUS: ACT 1 Scene 1 Flourish. l Enter the Tribunes (including Marcus Andronicus) and Senators aloft. And then enter, Saturninus and his followers at one door, and Bassianus and his followers with Drums, and Trumpets. Saturninus Noble patricians, patrons of my right,Defend the justice of my cause with arms.And countrymen, my loving followers,Plead my successive title with your swords.I am his firstborn son that was the lastThat wore the imperial diadem of Rome.Then let my father's honors live in me,Nor wrong mine age with this indignity. Bassianus Romans, friends, followers, favorers of my right,If ever Bassianus, Caesar's son,Were gracious in the eyes of royal Rome,Keep, then, this passage to the Capitol,And suffer not dishonor to approachThe imperial seat, to virtue consecrate,To justice, continence, and nobility;But let desert in pure election shine,And, Romans, fight for freedom in your choice. Marcus,(stepping forward and holding up the crown) Princes that strive by factions and by friendsAmbitiously for rule and empery,Know that the people of Rome, for whom we standA special party, have by common voice,In election for the Roman empery,Chosen Andronicus, surnamed PiusFor many good and great deserts to Rome.A nobler man, a braver warrior,Lives not this day within the city walls.He by the Senate is accited homeFrom weary wars against the barbarous Goths,That with his sons, a terror to our foes,Hath yoked a nation strong, trained up in arms.Ten years are spent since first he undertookThis cause of Rome, and chastised with armsOur enemies' pride. Five times he hath returnedBleeding to Rome, bearing his valiant sonsIn coffins from the field.And now at last, laden with honor's spoils,Returns the good Andronicus to Rome,Renowned Titus flourishing in arms.Let us entreat, by honor of his nameWhom worthily you would have now succeed,And in the Capitol and Senate's right,Whom you pretend to honor and adore,That you withdraw you and abate your strength,Dismiss your followers and, as suitors should,Plead your deserts in peace and humbleness. Saturninus How fair the tribune speaks to calm my thoughts! Bassianus Marcus Andronicus, so I do affyIn thy uprightness and integrity,And so I love and honor thee and thine,Thy noble brother Titus and his sons,And her to whom my thoughts are humbled all,Gracious Lavinia, Rome's rich ornament,That I will here dismiss my loving friends,And to my fortunes and the people's favorCommit my cause in balance to be weighed.Bassianus' Soldiers exit. Saturninus Friends that have been thus forward in my right,I thank you all and here dismiss you all,And to the love and favor of my countryCommit myself, my person, and the cause.Saturninus' Soldiers exit.Rome, be as just and gracious unto meAs I am confident and kind to thee.Open the gates and let me in. Bassianus Tribunes, and me, a poor competitor.Flourish.l They go up into the Senate House. The Tribunes and Senators exit from the upper stage. Enter a Captain. Captain Romans, make way! The good Andronicus,Patron of virtue, Rome's best champion,Successful in the battles that he fights,With honor and with fortune ied with his swordAnd brought to yoke the enemies of Rome. Sound drums and trumpets, and then enter two of Titus' sons ( ) and then two mShakespeare, William is the author of 'Titus Andronicus', published 2005 under ISBN 9780671722920 and ISBN 0671722921.

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