Due to popular demand, the early Tales of Asgard continue! After their adventures across the wilds of Asgard, it's back to school for Thor, Balder and Sif...but when you're in training to be a warrior, study hall isn't so quiet! The lives of the three young friends take an interesting turn when Amora the Enchantress enters the picture. Sparks will fly when their schooling in swords and sorcery comes head-to-head! Plus: Thor grew up with the belief that he would one day wield the mighty uru hammer, Mjolnir. But as the years pass and he becomes increasingly frustrated by his inability to achieve his goal, Thor comes to question what makes a person worthy. But his questions will have to wait, as Sif is kidnapped by Frost Giants!Yoshida, Akira is the author of 'Thor Son Of Asgard, Worthy' with ISBN 9780785115724 and ISBN 0785115722.
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