The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During the American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee

The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During the American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee
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  • Comments: This particular book, a readable and intact copy, is no exception. Despite showing noticeable wear and tear, particularly on the spine, it stands as a testament to the journey it has undertaken through various hands and minds. This essay delves into the details of this book's condition, exploring the implications of its wear, the presence of notes and highlights, and the significance of its role as a reading copy.


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  • ISBN-13: 9780375503740
  • ISBN: 0375503749
  • Publisher: Random House Publishing Group


Osborn, William M.


The wild frontier commenced in 1607 with the arrival of the first permanent settlers and was declared ended by the Bureau of the Census in 1890. The war between the settlers and the Indians began in 1622 in Virginia and also ended in 1890 in South Dakota. The outcome of this war determined who would control the North American continent. It was played on a stage that was new to European peoples, and many of its dramatic events had not been seen before in history and would never be seen again. This was a first-time clash between 2 cultures. Robert Hughes, in Culture of Complaint, said, "Surprises crackle, like electric arcs, between the interfaces of culture." Surprises also crackle with atrocities. The war lasted 268 years, the longest in the history of our nation. The United States itself will not be 268 years old until the year 2044. In The West: An Illustrated History, edited by Henry Steele Commager, an article by M. A. Jones pointed out that "the realities of frontier life have regularly given way to the requirements of myth." Myths cloud history and impair its classic functionto help us solve present-day problems. This accurate analogy has been drawn by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in The Disuniting of America: For history is to the nation rather as memory is to the individual. As an individual deprived of memory becomes disoriented and lost, not knowing where he has been or where he is going, so a nation denied a conception of its past will be disabled in dealing with its present and its future. The Indians agreed. There is an old Sioux saying"A people without history is like wind upon the buffalo grass." Military historian S. L. A. Marshall in Crimsoned Prairie said in some despair, "Taken as a whole, books about the Plains wars have one salient characteristic, that of discrepancy." As Carl Waldman noted in his preface to Who Was Who in Native American History: A book covering such a wide range of material can be no more accurate than its sources. Much of the material comes from writers who were explorers, missionaries, traders, or army officers first, in addition to amateur historians or anthropologists. Hearsay and legend play a part in what has been passed down. Contradictions abound. Edwin T. Denig, who lived with the Indians from about 1800 to 1850 and married 2 Indian women, noted another disagreement. "We find two sets of writers, both equally wrong, one setting forth the Indians as a noble, generous, and chivalrous race above the standards of Europeans, the other representing them below the level of brute creation." Generally speaking, most of the earlier writers were settler advocates, while many who came later were Indian advocates. Fergus M. Bordewich, who spent much of his childhood living on Indian reservations, put it this way in his book Killing the White Man's Indian: Until not long ago, Americans were generally taught to view the nation's westward movement as a saga of heroic pioneering and just wars that carried European immigrants from the shores of the Atlantic to those of the Pacific. At the center of that essentially mythic vision stood the Indian, simultaneously noble and barbaric, man of nature and bloodthirsty savage, and destined for tragic extinction. The epic of the Indian wars added color and grandeur to the saga of national expansion: in their apparent savagery, Indians dramatically underscored Euro-Americans' notions of civilization, while their repeated military defeats seemed unchallengeable proof of the white man's technological and moral superiority. More recently, revisionist scholars and educators have tended to portray that same history as one of deep, unredeemed tragedy, of which the destruction of the Indian is a central, equally mythical example, apparent proof of the barbarism of Euro-American cOsborn, William M. is the author of 'The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During the American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee' with ISBN 9780375503740 and ISBN 0375503749.

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