Whoop! hurrah! Zip, boom, ah! Rockets! "For gracious' sake, Tom, what's all the racket about? I thought we had all the noise we wanted last night, when we broke up camp." "It's news, Dick, glorious news," returned Tom Rover, and he began to dance a jig on the tent flooring. "It's the best ever." "It won't be glorious news if you bring this tent down on our heads," answered Dick Rover. "Have you discovered a gold mine?" "Better than that, Dick. I've discovered what we are going to do with ourselves this summer." "I thought we were going back to the farm, to rest up, now that the term at Putnam Hall is at an end."Winfield, Arthur M is the author of 'The Rover Boys on the River', published 2007 under ISBN 9781421842370 and ISBN 1421842378.
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