The Nuclear Weapons World: Who, How, and Where

The Nuclear Weapons World: Who, How, and Where
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  • ISBN-13: 9780313265907
  • ISBN: 0313265909
  • Publication Date: 1989
  • Publisher: Greenwood


Patrick Burke


The Nuclear Weapons World: Who, How, and Where is a unique guide to nuclear weapons decisionmaking and decisionmakers in the five official nuclear weapons states and two nuclear alliances: the USA, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, China, NATO, and the Warsaw Pact. No other book describes in detail the complex structures in which decisions to produce and deploy nuclear weapons are made and also provides the names of the key decisionmakers. Divided into seven chapters, one for each of the official nuclear weapons states and the nuclear alliances, The Nuclear Weapons World also lists alphabetically with full biographies the names of the 750 people--scientists, armed forces members, top industrialists, permanent government officials, and politicians--who make the decisions about nuclear weapons production and deployment. Addresses and, where available, telephone numbers for entries are presented along with a full description of the decisionmaking structures: councils, committees, departments and institutes; organizational charts; descriptions of structures and biographies cross-referenced; complete name and subject indices; and a full glossary.Patrick Burke is the author of 'The Nuclear Weapons World: Who, How, and Where', published 1989 under ISBN 9780313265907 and ISBN 0313265909.

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