Newly awakened interest in Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837), arguably the greatest Italian poet since the Renaissance, has resulted in this project to translate a major portion of his works. This volume is the first of four which will encompass the great "Canti" (in bilingual text), selections from the poet's correspondence, a substantial portion of his enormous intellectual journal, the "Zibaldone," and the focus of the present volume, the "Operette morali."Originally planned as a set of dialogues in the manner of Lucian, the "Operette" is a compilation of brief, interrelated works on questions of moral philosphy. By means of numerous characters, and by means of a range of styles, Leopardi grapples with a theory of pleasure, the concepts of fame, the infinite, human happiness, the function of poetry, and other topics. In the poet's own opinion, the "Operette" represented his major philosophical speculation and ranked just below his "Canti."Leopardi, Giacomo is the author of 'The Moral Essays, Vol. 1 - Patrick Creagh - Paperback - Reprint' with ISBN 9780231057073 and ISBN 0231057075.
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