'Write it down,? you said, and so I have. Just keep in mind, it's been a while, and memory has ways of playing tricks, which is where I'll start since that is where Professor Skye began with me. Professor who? Let me explain. Thus begins a young boy's account of his surprising adventures and unorthodox education as the apprentice of Professor Jackson Skye, the ?Helping Investigator,? who enlists the boy in helping others solve problems so that he can learn to solve his own. Beginning his career in elementary school, the trainee works on over forty cases involving a multicultural cast of memorable characters. He graduates from his apprenticeship in high school after he solves the hardest case of all. Based on real-life problems young people encounter, the cases inThe Helper's Apprenticeinstruct, entertain, and encourage young readers to reflect on their own lives.Pickhardt, Carl E. is the author of 'The Helper's Apprentice: The Jackson Skye Mysteries' with ISBN 9780595676576 and ISBN 059567657X.
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