Testimonies Of God's Blessings

Testimonies Of God's Blessings
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  • ISBN-13: 9781418442613
  • ISBN: 1418442615
  • Publisher: AuthorHouse


Walker, Dennis L.


After accepting Jesus Christ, as my personal Savior and Lord, one of my main concerns was the Spiritual growth and development of mankind, whether he or she is saved or not. The Apostle Paul by the Holy Spirit has classified all mankind into three groups or categories, (1 Corinthians 2: 9 - 3: 4): (1) The," Natural Man," the one who lives a worldly life, a sinner, and has not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord; (2) The, "Carnal Man," one who has accepted Christ, but is still living and doing worldly things; (3) The, "Spiritual Man," one who is saved and is truly dedicated in pleasing and serving God. As I previously stated, I was concerned about the aspects and condition of the spiritual growth and development of mankind. After reading about what the apostle Paul had written in 1 Corinthians 2: 9 - 3: 4, it made me become more aware of these conditions, and what I could do to assess the situation. Immediately, I began to focus back on my life. How God had transformed me from a "natural man," (worldly/sinner) man to a "spiritual man." Within this process, I realized that God had allowed me to come through so many trials and tribulations, for my good. God, through His grace had performed many miracles in my life, which have contributed to my spiritual growth and development. I give thanks to God for His blessings and miracles. I decided to praising and glorify Him by witnessing to people for a testimony on how He brought me as a sinner to become a Christians (spiritual man). During all of this time, I did not know that God was cleansing, conditioning, and preparing me, for Him to commission me to do His will. One evening while lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling of mybedroom, God spoke to me, and told me to write a book about, "testimonies of His divine blessings." A funny feeling came over me, and I said to my self, why hadn't I thought about this before now. Then I realized it wasn't for me to think of own my own, but it was God's willWalker, Dennis L. is the author of 'Testimonies Of God's Blessings' with ISBN 9781418442613 and ISBN 1418442615.

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