Introduction1- Satellite TV Satellite TV BasicsHow Satellite TV WorksThe Emergence of Consumer TVROSatellite Scrambling and DescramblersConsumer Reaction to ScramblingSatellite Equipment "Modification"Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS)Industry Countermeasures and Consumer Risk2- Cable TV Cable TV BasicsDownconverters and DescramblersCable Equipment ModificationIndustry Countermeasures and Consumer RiskCombining Cable and Satellite3- Videotape Why Copy Protection?The "Video Stabilizer"Industry Countermeasures and Consumer Risk4- Sellers & Buyers Gray Market Wheelers and DealersConversations with DealersWho Enforces the Law?Who Buys these Products and Services?Conversation with a Gray Market ConsumerConsumer and the Dark Gray Process5- The Media Popular PeriodicalsGray Market FocusSpecialized Pamphlets, Manuals, Etc.GlossaryAppendix A Spectrum Allocation in North AmericaAppendix B Suppliers of Services and ProductsIndexEisenson, Henry L. is the author of 'Television Gray Market', published 1993 under ISBN 9781568660370 and ISBN 1568660375.
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