Praise for David Darling Deep Time "A speculative and provocative book that extends what is known into what is unknown. It is not just another book on cosmology. . . . The emphasis here is on wonder." -- Los Angeles Times "You don't have to be a scientist to understand it, and if you're one who enjoys contemplating the mysteries of creation, you should find it deeply rewarding." -- The Associated Press Equations of Eternity "Mr. Darling provides one of the clearest and most eloquent expositions of the quantum conundrum and its philosophical and metaphysical implications that I have read recently." -- The New York Times "In a boldly speculative tour of the mind and the cosmos, Darling expounds upon the relationship between mathematics and the physical reality it describes." -- Library JournalDarling, David J. is the author of 'Teleportation The Impossible Leap', published 2005 under ISBN 9780471470953 and ISBN 0471470953.
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