Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems Tools 4 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, Tools, Paris, 1991

Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems Tools 4  Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, Tools, Paris, 1991
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  • ISBN-13: 9780139231605
  • ISBN: 0139231609
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR


Meyer, Bertrand, Beziven, Jean


This conference proceeding provides a comprehensive look into the state of the object-oriented art. Based on the contributions to TOOLS 4, it covers every major aspect of the technology. As the major international forum devoted entirely to the practical applications of object-oriented technology, this guide reveals the latest practical developments in the hottest area in the software field. It describes industrial applications leading to actual products . . . results of increased practical experience with O-O methods and tools (even from those still at the prototype stage) . . . and offers a deeper appreciation the problems involved. The Tools 4 meeting was held in Paris in March 1991.Meyer, Bertrand is the author of 'Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems Tools 4 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, Tools, Paris, 1991' with ISBN 9780139231605 and ISBN 0139231609.

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