This truncated volume is composed of strategies and techniques for teaching science, derived from the fourth edition of Teaching Science for All Children: An Inquiry Approach. Inquiry Methods emphasizes learning science through inquiry even more than in past editions, while maintaining its focus on NSE standards integration, constructivism, technology, and the authors' 4-E Learning Cycle: Exploration, Explanation, Expansion, Evaluation.Use video to enhance your course! The NEW! "VideoWorkshop" CD-ROM accompanying this text features over 60 minutes of brief, interactive video segments of classroom footage, insights from future teachers, and safety demonstrations. This video is integrated into the text through corresponding "Video Explorations" sections that provide a summary of each clip, "Tips for Viewing, Objectives, or What to Watch for," questions for exploration, and suggestions for application.What's New To This Edition?An ALL NEW Chapter 8 discusses integrating science into math, language arts, and the social studies. An ALL NEW Chapter 5 promotes authentic assessment and provides numerous examples of how teachers assess and evaluate student performance. Featured 4-E Lesson Plans have been added to each chapter in Part I, illustrating the 4-E method of teaching. Each lesson describes a hands-on, classroom-tested activity. The Build a Portfolio (or E-folio) provides suggestions on how to keep a portfolio electronically. The Appendix is thoroughly revised and supports the reform efforts advocated by the National Science Education Standards.Also available: Teaching Science for All Children: An Inquiry Approach, Fourth Edition ISBN: 0-205-41260-2 Teaching Science for All Children: Inquiry Lessons for Constructing Understanding, Third Edition ISBN: 0-205-43152-6Martin, Ralph is the author of 'Teaching Science For All Children Inquiry Methods For Constructing Understanding With Video Explorations Videoworkshop', published 2004 under ISBN 9780205464722 and ISBN 0205464726.
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