Teaching science effectively requires engaging students in inquiry. This new and engaging science methods text, Teaching Science as Investigations,provides a series of carefully developed 5-E lesson models. Each series is standards-based and organized to provide a sequential development of physical, earth, and life science concepts appropriate to use directly with students in K-8 classrooms. Designed for pre-service and practicing teachers who are learning the art of teaching science, each science investigation develops one major science concept, focusing on one element of science teaching, such as guided and open inquiry, assessment, misconceptions, and so on. Learning how to teach science is thus embedded in the context of authentic learning cycle lessons. Included in this text are the following units for investigation: UNIT 1: PHYSICAL SCIENCE Investigation 1: LIGHT (K-4) Teaching Focus: TEACHING FROM A LEARNING CYCLE Investigation 2: SOLUBILITY (4-8) Teaching Focus: USING GUIDED AND OPEN INQUIRY Investigation 3: DENSITY (4-8) Teaching Focus: ASSESSING SCIENCE Investigation 4: ENERGY (4-8) Teaching Focus: INTEGRATING MATHEMATICS IN SCIENCE LEARNING UNIT 2: LIFE SCIENCE Investigation 5: LIFE CYCLE OF THE MEALWORM (K-4) Teaching Focus: MANAGING INQUIRY MATERIALS Investigation 6: FLOWERING PLANTS (4-8) Teaching Focus: INTEGRATING READING IN SCIENCE INSTRUCTION Investigation 7: BONES (4-8) Teaching Focus: USING QUESTIONING STRATEGIES Investigation 8: HEREDITY (4-8) Teaching Focus: USING EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN CLASSROOM PRACTICE UNIT 3: EARTH/SPACE SCIENCE Investigation 9: SOIL (K-4) Teaching Focus: DEVELOPING INQUIRY ABILITIES Investigation 10: MOTIONS OF THE MOON (4-8) Teaching Focus: IDENTIFYING MISCONCEPTIONS Investigation 11: INTERPRETING WEATHER MAPS (4-8) Teaching Focus: INTEGRATING WRITING AND COMMUNICATION Investigation 12: THE WATER CYCLE (4-8) Teaching Focus: INTEGRATING INQUIRY IN TEXTBOOK INSTRUCTIONJay K. Hackett Professor Emeritus is the author of 'Teaching Science as Investigations: Modeling Inquiry Through Learning Cycle Lessons', published 2006 under ISBN 9780132186278 and ISBN 0132186276.
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