Tastes & Aromas The Chemical Senses in Science and Industry

Tastes & Aromas The Chemical Senses in Science and Industry
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  • ISBN-13: 9780632055449
  • ISBN: 0632055448
  • Publication Date: 1999
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


Bell, Graham A., Watson, Annesley J.


In this age of commercial imperatives, Tastes and Aromas offers an unusual and invaluable insight into the industrialist's perspective on applications of smell and taste in the global food, wine and perfume industries. The book reviews the progress being made in this field of science and offers new information and insights to practitioners of sensory research in industry, those teaching and studying in this fast-emerging area, and anyone who wishes to learn more about the exotic chemical senses of smell, taste and pungency. From the pages of Tastes and Aromas, we learn from many of the new breed of industrial 'sensory specialists' how they add value to company competitiveness. We learn from some of the world's best scientists how molecules, cells and flicking nervous energies conspire to create new marketplace enterprises, from landmine clearance to candy bars. And we learn how and why good science and engineering can often come to nothing if the psychology of human tastes and aromas is not involved. In assembling this volume, Graham Bell and Annesley Watson have brought together original works of the world's leading chemosensory authorities, both from academia and industry.Bell, Graham A. is the author of 'Tastes & Aromas The Chemical Senses in Science and Industry', published 1999 under ISBN 9780632055449 and ISBN 0632055448.

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