Take Control of Your Student Loan Debt

Take Control of Your Student Loan Debt
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  • ISBN-13: 9780873377072
  • ISBN: 0873377079
  • Edition: 3
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Publisher: NOLO


Leonard, Robin, Loonin, Deanne


Leaving college for the real world is hard enough on students - but to those with massive loans hanging over their heads, the task can seem near impossible.This book shows readers, with simple and effective strategies, how to deal with the financial burden. It clearly explains: * the repayment options* how to postpone payment* how to avoid default* how to handle collection efforts* when to choose bankruptcyCompletely updated and revised to reflect the latest in the law (including the most current telephone numbers of government agencies), the book also provides sample letters and all the forms that former students need to get back on their feet.Leonard, Robin is the author of 'Take Control of Your Student Loan Debt', published 2001 under ISBN 9780873377072 and ISBN 0873377079.

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