He has a Black Panther flag and a red, blackand green flag sticking out on either side of hisporch. I feel safer when I'm close to Mr. Johnson'shouse. Not all the kids like him but won't none ofthem disrespect him or do anything crazy near hishouse. Not even Chuck. That's for sure. They sayMr. Johnson and his crew carries guns. You abouthave to around here. ?from the short story ?Concrete Rose? Where are the voices of light and conscience that are not afraid to illuminatethe underbellies of the critical issues facing today's African-American familyand America's neglectful treatment of the whole family structure? Sweet Orisa is a collection of short stories that gives force to the many youngvoices that have been left out of the dialogue of African-Americans elders andsocial elites. Author Marquis R. Nave's voice permeates Sweet Orisa as the clearcall of a neorealist African-American following in the footsteps of JamesBaldwin and Toni Morrison. The voice within these pages forces it way into theexclusive conversation. The author deals with the challenges of attainingcommunityhood, self-determination, equality, and the recognition of African-American humanity. Emotional and evocative, the stories in Sweet Orisa comprise a journeycentered in rage, loss, and frustration that transforms to forgiveness, self'determination,and identity.Nave, Marquis is the author of 'Sweet Orisa Short Story Collection' with ISBN 9780595386437 and ISBN 0595386431.
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