Set in rural Pennsylvania's Amish country, SummerHill Secrets follows the true-to-life struggles and heartfelt triumphs of fourteen-year-old Merry Hanson. Preteen girls will come to love, laugh, and cry with the impulsive Merry as she encounters intriguing mysteries while also struggling to be the best she can be in God's eyes. Volume One includes the original titles Whispers Down the Lane, Secret in the Willows, Catch a Falling Star, Night of the Fireflies, and A Cry in the Dark. Volume Two contains House of Secrets, Echoes in the Wind, Hide Behind the Moon, Windows, on the Hill, and Shadows Beyond the Gate.Lewis, Beverly is the author of 'Summerhill Secrets Omnibus ', published 2007 under ISBN 9780764204456 and ISBN 0764204459.
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