"RELAX" "MOVE OUT OF SUGAR ADDICTION AT YOUR OWN PACE" USING A PERSONAL PROGRAM THAT IS TAILORED FOR YOU "Racing" to achieve much needed goals can often bring our desire to reach our goals to a screeching halt. It is crucial that we realize that releasing the stress that is often associated with giving up "sweets" is half the battle won. Moving at our own pace is crucial for overcoming sugar addiction because it respects the fact that people are not all the same and allows each individual to use their own personal program for healing. Isn''t it about time we, stop feeling "forced" or "rushed" into recovery, which often results in our moving backwards towards the addiction rather than forward-away from it. Take the stress out of overcoming addiction with this stress-free personalized program-a wonderful new way to look at addiction. It is filled with ideas and exercises that will aid you on your road to recovery-gently-never allowing you to feel like a failure. It''s the program for those who''ve tried consistently to recover from sugar addiction but without success. SUGAR ADDICTION: A Step-By-Step Guide To Overcoming Sugar Addiction will empower you to FIRST, change your mindset so that you will come to feel that you have power over sugar rather than that sugar has power over you.Rufus, Elizabeth Brown is the author of 'Sugar Addiction: A Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Sugar Addiction' with ISBN 9781418430603 and ISBN 1418430609.
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