*HA18, Stuttering Therapy: An Integrated Approach to Theory and Practice, Richard Culatta(Appalachain State University), Stanley Goldberg(San Francisco State University), U1647-9, 480 pp., 7 1/4 x 9 1/4, 0-023-26311-3, casebound, 1995, $39.00nk, October*/This book provides a comprehensive look at defining, measuring, and treating stuttering. It discusses basic concepts on which therapy is based and examines the process of diagnosis. The main portion of the book is devoted to therapy. Intervention programs are summarized and compared through the use of a unique methodology that clearly identifies attitudes and behaviors to be treated.Culatta, Richard is the author of 'STUTTERING THERAPY' with ISBN 9780023263118 and ISBN 0023263113.
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