IntroductionChapter 1 - Burglary Calls: Back to the BasicsChapter 2 - Child Abuse Crime: Case Handling TechniquesChapter 3 - Contact & Cover: Tactics for Effective Suspect ControlChapter 4 - The Cord-Cuff RestraintChapter 5 - Courts and ReportsChapter 6 - Cross-Fire CautionsChapter 7 - The Deadly Umbrella and Other Dangerous WeaponsChapter 8 - Dog Attacks: Prevention and ControlChapter 9 - Edged-Weapon Attacks: Video TrainingChapter 10 - Exercise and Live: Serious Motivation for the Patrol OfficerChapter 11 - Eyes in the Back of Your Head: Attack During Traffic StopsChapter 12 - A Fast Buckle-Up: Driver Movement during StopsChapter 13 - Field Interview and Radio Call BasicsChapter 14 - Fifty Officer Survival TipsChapter 15 - Freeway StopsChapter 16 - Handling Narcotics: Watch What You Touch!Chapter 17 - High Risk In Means High Risk OutChapter 18 - The Hollywood Ten: TV Cops' Tactical ErrorsChapter 19 - Ice MethamphetamineChapter 20 - Interviewing Victims and WitnessesChapter 21- The Koga Method: Arrest and Control TechniquesChapter 22 - Left-Handed Law EnforcementChapter 23 - A Long Three Minutes: Hostage-Suspect ConfrontationsChapter 24 - The Negotiation Mentality: Talk Instead of ActionChapter 25 - 9mm Safety and HandlingChapter 26 - Off-Duty ConsiderationsChapter 27 - Orcutt Police Nunchakus: A New Defensive Control WeaponChapter 28 - Outlaw Biker StopsChapter 29 - Plainclothes AwarenessChapter 30 - Police Restraining DevicesChapter 31 - PositioningChapter 32 - Practice! Practice! Practice! Know Your EquipmentChapter 33 - Press Precautions: Dealing with the MediaChapter 34 - Prisoner ControlChapter 35 - Radio AwarenessChapter 36 - Range GamesChapter 37 - Read and LearnChapter 38 - Rock CocaineChapter 39 - Satanic Cult Crime-Scene InvestigationChapter 40 - Skinheads and Officer SafetyChapter 41 - Spanish Lessons: Slang from the StreetsChapter 42 - Street Awareness: Using Tips to Catch CrooksChapter 43 - Stress Control Through Breath ControlChapter 44 - Stress Warning SignsChapter 45 - The Tactical Retreat: Getting Out in One PieceChapter 46 - Ten Deadly Tactical ErrorsChapter 47 - Tombstone Courage: Tactical Errors during High-Risk CallsChapter 48 - Traffic Collision InvestigationsChapter 49 - Traffic Direction: Rules to Live ByChapter 50 - Working with the Feds: High-Risk Entry SafetyChapter 51- Some Final TipsChapter 52 - A Last Bit of Humor: Amazingly Stupid CrooksChapter 53 - Graveyard Blues: Riding the Midnight ShiftChapter 54 - Ten Funny Cop StoriesChapter 55 - Why Do We Put Up with You? A View from the SupervisorChapter 56 - Why Do We Put Up with You? A View from PatrolAlbrecht, Steven W. is the author of 'Street Work The Way to Police Officer Safety and Survival' with ISBN 9780873646505 and ISBN 0873646509.
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