Combining the best of concept and application, Strategies for Teaching Students in Inclusive Classrooms: A Case Method Approachcovers teaching methods and cases from inclusive education settings. Tackling three broad domains of special education, it includes information on special education law, collaboration/co-teaching in inclusive classrooms, and methods/techniques for teaching students with disabilities in inclusive settings. Offering an innovative chapter sequence, the text pairs concept chapters with case chapters to ensure readers understand core material and can apply it to real situations. A consistent five case format follows each concept chapter and highlights a variety of clinical and narrative cases. Features · Coverage of three broad domainsincludes information on special education law, collaboration/co-teaching in inclusive classrooms, and methods/techniques for teaching students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. · An innovative sequence that pairs content chapters with case chaptersensures readers understand the core concepts of special education (inclusion, behavior management, content-areas, etc.) and can apply them to real children, classrooms and experiences. · Five case formatpresents five cases for each domain and asks readers to examine each case, problem solve how to resolve different aspects of the case and make recommendations about how to deal with core issues. · A variety of effective techniquesfor teaching basic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics.Joseph Boyle is the author of 'Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms: A Case Method Approach', published 2011 under ISBN 9780131837775 and ISBN 013183777X.
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