Stochasticity and Quantum Chaos Proceedings of the 3rd Max Born Symposium, Sobotka Castle, September 15-17, 1993

Stochasticity and Quantum Chaos Proceedings of the 3rd Max Born Symposium, Sobotka Castle, September 15-17, 1993
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  • ISBN-13: 9780792332305
  • ISBN: 079233230X
  • Publication Date: 1995
  • Publisher: Springer


Third Max Born Symposium Staff, Cegla, Wojciech, Haba, Zbigniew


This volume covers a wide range of problems in the quantum mechanics of non-integrable systems presented by experts in the field. The main part of the work concerns quantum chaos, and dynamical aspects of chaos in particular. Among the subjects which are treated are: periodic perturbations, small denominators in quantum mechanics, tunneling in the presence of a periodic perturbation, chaotic scattering, quantum maps, level statistics of chaotic systems and random matrices. The papers are concerned with mathematically rigorous derivations of results, as well as with their physical applications, such as scattering, ionization and tunneling. The papers discuss recent results which have not been published in book form before. All contributors present new methods to approach quantum chaos rather than extending conventional techniques. This book will be of interest to specialists in the field of dynamical systems, quantum mechanics and stochastic processes. It can also serve as an outstanding introduction to graduate and postgraduate students of theoretical physics and mathematics.Third Max Born Symposium Staff is the author of 'Stochasticity and Quantum Chaos Proceedings of the 3rd Max Born Symposium, Sobotka Castle, September 15-17, 1993', published 1995 under ISBN 9780792332305 and ISBN 079233230X.

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