Stochastic Games and Applications

Stochastic Games and Applications
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  • ISBN-13: 9781402014932
  • ISBN: 1402014937
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Publisher: Springer


Neyman, Abraham, Sorin, Sylvain


1. Stochastic games; L.S. Shapley. 2. From Markov chains to stochastic games; A. Neyman. 3. Classification and basic tools; S. Sorin. 4. Stochastic games and stationary strategies; O.J. Vrieze. 5. Discounted stochastic games: The finite case; S. Sorin. 6. Real algebraic tools in stochastic games; A. Neyman. 7. Zero-sum stochastic games with borel state spaces; A.S. Nowak. 8. N-person stochastic games: extension of the finite case and correlation; A.S. Nowak. 9. A measurable "measurable choice" theorem; J.F. Mertens. 10. Equilibria for discounted stochastic games; J.F. Mertens, T. Parthasarathy. 11. Existence of the value and the minmax; A. Neyman. 12. The big match and the paris match; F. Thuijsman. 13. Repeated games with absorbing states; F. Thuijsman. 14. Stochastic games, practical motivation and the orderfield property for special classes; O.J. Vrieze. 15. Finite-step algorithms for single-controller and perfect information stochastic games; T.E.S. Raghavan. 16. Recursive games; F. Thuijsman. 17. Perturbations of Markov chains with applications to stochastic games; E. Solan. 18. Two-player non-zero-sum games: A reduction; N. Vieille. 19. On a class of recursive games; N. Vieille. 20. Uniform equilibrium: more than two players; E. Solan. 21. Symmetric incomplete information games as stochastic games; S. Sorin. 22. Absorbing games with a signalling structure; J.-M. Coulomb. 23. Stochastic Games with lim sup Payoff; A. Maitra, W. Sudderth. 24. Stochastic games with borel payoffs; A. Maitra, W. Sudderth. 25. Stochastic games with incomplete information; S. Sorin. 26. Stochastic games and nonexpansive maps; A. Neyman. 27. The operator approach to zero-sum stochastic games; S. Sorin. 28. Games with a recursive structure; J.-M. Coulomb. 29. Stochastic games in economics: The lattice-theoretic approach; R. Amir. 30. Stochastic games in economics and related fields: an overview; R. Amir.Neyman, Abraham is the author of 'Stochastic Games and Applications', published 2003 under ISBN 9781402014932 and ISBN 1402014937.

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