Stem Cells and Their Potential for Clinical Application

Stem Cells and Their Potential for Clinical Application
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  • ISBN-13: 9781402064685
  • ISBN: 1402064683
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Publisher: Springer


Bilko, Nadja M., Fehse, Boris, Ostertag, Wolfram


This book contains contributions of leading international scientists who participated at the NATO-ASI conference 'œStem cells and their potential for clinical application' that was held in Kiev and Simeiz (Ukraine) from August 23 '” 31 , 2006. The articles cover a broad range of hot topics in stem cell and leukaemia research. These include the potential of various stem cell types in regenerative and transplantation medicine, different mechanisms of malignant transformation leading to leukaemia development, as well as novel clinical strategies for malignant disease treatment such as adoptive immunotherapy with gene-modified lymphocytes. The mixture of articles by principal scientists from Northern America, as well as Eastern and Western Europe, provides a comprehensive overview on 'œWhat's going on?' in various parts of the world in such broadly discussed fields as 'œstem cell research', 'œimmunotherapy' or 'œgene therapy'. Thus, this compilation should be valuable for readers interested in modern biomedicine who have background knowledge in those areas.Bilko, Nadja M. is the author of 'Stem Cells and Their Potential for Clinical Application', published 2007 under ISBN 9781402064685 and ISBN 1402064683.

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