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  • Condition: Good
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  • ISBN-13: 9780553803457
  • ISBN: 055380345X
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Publisher: Random House Publishing Group


Johansen, Iris


Chapter One The phone was ringing. Ignore it, Eve told herself, her fingers moving swiftly on the skull reconstruction she'd given the name of Marty. She could call whoever it was back when she was through working. The phone was set for speaker and she could pick up if it was Joe or Jane. She was getting too close to that important last step in the sculpting. On the sixth ring the answering machine picked up. "I need to speak to you. Answer the phone, Ms. Duncan." She froze, her fingers stopped in midstroke. Luis Montalvo. Though she had spoken to him only twice that faint accent was unmistakable. "I know you're there. You haven't left that cottage in the last week." His voice became faintly mocking. "Your dedication is admirable and I understand you're brilliant at your job. I look forward to having both focused soon on my behalf." He paused. "Do pick up the phone. I'm not accustomed to being ignored. It upsets me. You don't want to upset me." And she didn't want to pick up the phone. He might jar her out of the zone of feverish intensity she needed when she was working this close to completion. Dammit, she had hoped he wouldn't call her again after she'd turned him down when he'd phoned her the last time, over a week ago. "I won't give up, you know." No, he probably wouldn't. Montalvo had been polite during the first call and even after she'd refused his offer, the second time he'd phoned he'd displayed no anger. His voice had been smooth and soft, almost regretful, yet there had been a note beneath that velvet courtesy that had puzzled her. It had made her uneasy then but tonight it filled her with impatience. She had notimefor this now. Marty was waiting. She strode across the room and picked up the phone. "Montalvo, I'm very busy. You've had your answer. Don't call me again." "Ah, how delightful to hear your voice. I knew you wouldn't be so rude as to leave me hanging on that dreadful answering device. I hate impersonal machines. I'm a man of emotion and passion and they offend me." "I really don't want to hear what you love or hate. I don't care. I want to get off this phone and forget you exist." "I realize that sad fact. You're absorbed in your latest reconstruction, of that boy found buried in Macon. Have you named him yet? I understand you name all the skulls you work on." She stiffened. "How did you know that?" "I know everything about you. I know you live with a Detective Joe Quinn of the Atlanta Police Department. I know you have an adopted daughter, Jane MacGuire. I know you're possibly the best forensic sculptor in the world. Shall I go on?" "That could all be public record. And how did you know about the boy murdered in Macon?" "I have many, many contacts around the world. Do you want to know who killed him? I could find out for you." "I don't believe you." "Why not?" "Because you're not even in this country. You're a scumbag of an arms peddler and you live in Colombia where you can hide out and deal your poison to the highest bidder." He chuckled. "I do like frankness. Very few women I know are willing to tell me the truth as they see it." "Then I'm grateful to not be one of the women you 'know,' you sexist bastard. If I were, I'd probably be tempted to cut your nuts off." "Such violence, such passion. I believe we're very much alike, Ms. Duncan." "No way." She drew a deep breath. "The answer is still no. I've no intention of coming down there and doing your reconstruction." "You were very polite and businesslike, almost sympathetic, when I first made you the offer. The second time you wereJohansen, Iris is the author of 'Stalemate', published 2006 under ISBN 9780553803457 and ISBN 055380345X.

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